Wednesday, January 2, 2008

our schedule

January 7: we'll go to Jack's doctor and get an EKG, and then we'll head over to Cedars-Sinai and get his chest x-rays done.

January 14: we go back to Cedars-Sinai for blood work, make sure they have the x-rays, and I think a few other tests. I can't remember all the details, but we have to be at certain offices at certain times... we'll pretty much be spending our day there, running around the hospital from place to place.

January 17: Jack's surgery. We have to be at the hospital at 5:30am. They have a Starbucks there, so I'll purchase a one-day pass from T-Mobile and send out periodic updates. Assuming all goes well (and we should always hope for the best), he'll spend one night in the ICU, and another 3-5 days in a regular hospital room. At least he'll get to play in the playroom this time around. :)

That's it. Of course I'll post updates after each significant date (7th, 14th), but that's the gist of it. We have only been able to find one person with O- blood--my brother in law--but he's all the way in Utah, and we really don't want to have to pay the transit costs for getting it out here, should he donate. So, I guess we'll be relying on the general public's donations; which is fine, but we would have rather been able to do direct donations.

Pray for us.

P.S. I know we have a ton of support as we're going through everything. As the surgery date approaches, I am more and more grateful for the large support groups (aka: cheerleading sections *grin*) we are fortunate to have. Thank you all, for your love, kind thoughts, good karma, well-wishes, and prayers.