Tuesday, January 15, 2008

more pre-op

This morning, we--C, Jack, and I--drove out to Cedars. It took us almost 2 hours to drive 30 miles. TWO HOURS. We decided, while sitting in horrible SoCal traffic, that we're going to call the hotel and see if we can get our stay extended, from Wednesday night on. Because, well, we don't want to wake up at 3am Thursday morning just to get our butts out to Cedars by 5:30am that morning. (We booked a hotel that's a little over a mile from Cedars-Sinai for the weekend, so we'll be using that as our "home base".)

Anyway... We parked, got the xray films, and took them over to the surgeon's office. We didn't have to wait long before the nurse saw us and took a general history of Jack, weighed and measured him, etc. Then we were sent over to the South Tower for blood stuff. We had to wait to be called to be registered for the bloodwork. Then wait some more for the paperwork. Then we went to the lab where it took all of 5 minutes for them to draw one vial of blood from Jack. They were sooo good there. And it helped that the nurse from the surgeon's office put a cream in the crook of Jack's arm that numbs it--he only cried while his blood was being drawn because he was watching them stick the needle in. Silly child. :p

And then we were done. We got home just after 12pm (we left this morning at about 7:45am). I dropped off C, and went to pick up Arlo from school.

My next update will be from the hospital, on Thursday.