Monday, January 7, 2008

EKG and XRays

This morning, we took Jack out to his doctor to get an EKG. It was relatively simple, and we got a copy of it. It seems similar to the others he's had (we have a full copy of his medical record), so nothing has changed.

We had an appointment to get some chest x-rays at 1:30pm, but we were done at the doctor's at about 10:30am, so we just made our way over to the imaging center. We got lost. Beverly Hills is confusing! Ugh. Finally, after getting turned around, I got us going in the right direction, and we made it all right. We got in there and were a couple hours early, but since we had that later appointment, we got put in almost right away. We barely had to wait at all.

I got to stay with him, and he was really good, but a little squirmy. The technician checked that the x-rays were okay, and then it was time to go. All of that--the EKG and x-rays--took about 2 hours. Not too bad. We headed home straight-away, and picked up Arlo from our friend's house; it was his first day back at school, so she took him and picked him up. (This school year, I took extra precautions because I knew we'd be going through all this, so I put our friends and extra family members on the "pick up" list for Arlo's school.)

We came home and all crashed. It was very tiring. We have to go back next monday and do more tests, paperwork, etc.


rebecca said...

Hang in there, sis. No change is better than bad change. lvs.

Emily said...

We've definitely embraced this "no change is good" thing. :)