Monday, March 29, 2010

It's been a while...

It's been a few years since I've written in here, mainly because I have been enjoying life. Jack is doing fabulously. We have had no stress in that area of our lives.

After I finished this blog, I thought to myself, Well, thank goodness all that is over! But it's simply not true. It's not over; yes, it's over for our family, but many many others are dealing with their own CHD children & babies, & even adults. I've decided that if I'm going to become an advocate for anything, it should be for CHD Awareness.

We were lucky enough to have doctors who ACTED. Doctors who truly cared about Jack's welfare & wanted to see him healed as much as we did. Some families don't have that. And some families just want to know they're not alone in their battles. And we, the CHD community, want to see more tests performed at birth. We want MORE awareness for this disease! There are so so many heartbreaking stories out there of babies who have died, but wouldn't have died if they'd only been given this or that SIMPLE test at birth. We want more research done on CHDs. We want more options other than open heart surgery. Too many people don't know that their child could possibly have a congenital heart defect, and too many don't know where to turn when they find out about it.

I created this blog so that hopefully someone, somewhere, would find it & would find comfort in knowing that someone has gone through something similar. But I'm finding that's not enough. I want to spread CHD Awareness to every facet of my life. I want it to reach out and touch everyone I meet. I will be an advocate for families, for doctors, for researchers. I will be a shoulder, an ear. I want to be to the CHD community what so many families were to MY own family, during our difficult journey.

This is my promise. :)

