Sunday, July 4, 2010

Good News

I forgot to update, but Jack had his cardiology follow-up a few weeks ago. The doctor listened to his heart and various pulse rates, and declared him healthy. Just to be certain, we went back later in the day for an echo. That came back clear and fine.

He's healthy as a clam and his heart is working properly, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with him. :) We are very happy and relieved.

The doctor also said Jack doesn't need to be seen for at least five years. Yay!


Mary said...

Hi Emily! I see it's been a while since you did anything here. My 11 year old daughter had an atrial septal defect closure in 2006. She just had the echo and ekg? last week and everything is great!
How old is Jack? We didn't know about Kiara's heart defect until she was 4 and went to the ER with viral meningitis, or that's what the doctors thought she had. She really didn't have any symptoms, that I knew of. But now looking back I remember that she complained all the time and didn't do well in kindergarten, until she had the surgury. We were so amazed at how fast the surgery was and how efficient and non-traumatizing. Yes we were afraid but nothing like we would have been with an open heart surgery!
Anyway, I found you because I looked for people who liked the book In Sacred Loneliness. You're interests include ex mormon. That's me and my hubby as well. I guess I feel lonely... But our story is a little odd because we came from a plyg background and then joined the LDS church. Realized we couldn't lie to ourselves about church history etc.