Thursday, October 18, 2007

Commence Banging of Head Against Wall

Yesterday, we received a letter in the mail stating that our medical group has deemed Jack's case as NON-URGENT, and was giving his doctors 45 days to send in Jack's medical records. "If the requested information is received within 45 calendar days a decision will be made within 5 business days of receipt of the information."

Um... what??? Non-urgent??? Even Dr Wong said he wouldn't want to wait more than 6 months from the time Jack had his (failed) cath until he could have OHS. Ugh.

So, I had C call Dr Wong and ask if they could send Jack's info over to the medical group. They were surprised because they thought everything had gone through and that we'd already consulted with the surgeon! Dr Wong said he would even send his own referral request along with the information... C said he sounded very worried that this whole process was taking so long.

Then, C called Jack's old pediatrician and asked them to send his file over as well. It'll get done sometime next week. So, hopefully we'll hear something in the next 2 weeks (????).

We're both so worn out and fed up with the insurance BS. It's driving everyone involved CRAZY. Why is it so f*ing difficult to see a surgeon?! Why does everything have to be such a pain?

I started crying after I read the letter. 45 days! I'm so glad C made the phone calls and got everyone going on this. There are some days when I just don't want to deal with it, and today was one of those days. *sigh*


Heather said...

Awww, honey. I hope things speed up. *big hugs* I'm thinking of you guys, always.