Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Everything's Okay...

I talked to Dr Wong yesterday, and he didn't seem overly concerned about Jack's lack of eating, as long as he's getting nutrients somehow.

However, he was worried about Jack's lack of energy, and how it's steadily decreasing. The only thing we can do, though, is wait until Jack's appointment with his new pediatrician, and wait for the referral process to go through. Dr Wong said he's going to push for surgery SOON. He sounded like he was taking my worries seriously, and he sounded a bit worried himself.

I like being taken seriously by doctors. I feel like half the time I'm not...

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I Just Don't Know...

Jack hasn't been eating a whole lot lately. At most, he'll have one meal. I keep giving him vitamins, every day, so I think that helps. However, the lack of food is affecting his energy level... which was already down as a result of the hole/shunting.

I'm worried about him. He drinks liquids just fine, so I'm thinking maybe I should buy those carnation breakfast mixes. At least he'd be getting something.

No one, except Cameron (and our friends), is taking me seriously. I've heard a variety of things, some of which pointed to ME as being a "bad parent" (not quite worded that way, but I read between the lines). I put food in front of him. I offer him food. I even put it in front of his face. All to no avail. No one else sees him on a daily basis, like I do. The only time they see him is in the evening, after he's eaten dinner, when he's the most hyper (because he's actually eaten something!).

I called the doctor, but I don't know what he can do, as he's not technically Jack's doctor anymore. I don't know what anyone can do, except to push push push for surgery. Soon.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

New Developments

In order to get the ball rolling again on Jack's surgery, we had to:

Switch Jack to the Cedars-Sinai medical group. In a month, he'll see his new pediatrician. She'll hopefully refer Jack to Dr Ferry (the doctor who tried the catheter surgery). Then, Dr Ferry will refer us to Dr Trento--the surgeon who will do the open-heart surgery.

What a run-around. Hopefully this all works out, and Jack gets everything done before Christmas!